Peer-reviewed papers
An updated list of publications from our group can be found here:
Scientific presentations
International conferences (5) | [1] Morán, J., Poux, A., and Yon, J. “Soot particle formation under the competition between aggregation and surface growth”. European Aerosol Conference – EAC 2021. 30 August – 3 September 2021, Birmingham, United Kingdom (Online). [2] Morán, J., Henry, C., Poux, A., and Yon, J. “Impact of the maturation process on soot particle aggregation kinetics and morphology”. Cambridge Particle Meeting. June 2021. Cambridge, UK (online). [3] Morán, J., and Kholghy, R., Approximating the van der Waals interaction potentials between agglomerates and their coagulation enhancement effect. 9th World Congress in Particle Technology, September 2022. Madrid, Spain. [4] Morán, J. Kholghy, R. Yon. J., and Henry, C. Approximating de van der Waals Interaction potentials between agglomerates and their coagulation enhancement effect. Cambridge Particle Meeting. Juin 2022. Cambridge, UK (Online). [5] Morán, J., Li, L., Ouyang, H., Qiao, Y., Olson, B.A., Hogan Jr, Christopher J., “The bidimensional size and charge distribution of sub- and supermicrometer particles in an electrostatic precipitator”. European Aerosol Conference – EAC 2023. September 2023, Malaga, Spain. |
National conferences (9) | [1] Morán, J., Fuentes, A., Liu, F., & Yon, J. “FracVAL: An algorithm for the simulation of fractal-like aggregates of nanoparticles and subsequent numerical TEM images”. 1st FRANCO-AMSUD Energy and Environment Meeting. Marseille. March 2019. [2] Morán, J., Yon, J., Liu, F., & Fuentes, A. “Thermophoretic sampling of soot in a laminar coflow diffusion flame”. GDR Suie sur la « Métrologie des suies ». Paris. July 2019. [3] Morán, J., Yon, J., & Poux, A. “Improving Monte Carlo simulations for an accurate modeling of soot aggregation”. Réunion plénière du GDR Suie. Marseille. October 2019. [4] Morán, J., Yon, J., & Poux, A. “The properties of self-preserving size distribution of soot aggregates”. Congrès Français sur les Aérosols – CFA. Paris. January 2020. [5] Morán, J., Yon, J., and Poux, A. “Numerical simulations of soot particles aggregation and surface growth in a premixed flame”. First JDD du GDR Suie. December 2020. Paris, France (On-line). [6] Morán, J., Yon, J., and Poux, A. “The simultaneous aggregation and surface growth of soot particles formed in an ethylene laminar premixed flame”. Congrès Français sur les Aérosols– CFA. January 2021. Paris, France (On-line). [7] Morán, J., Poux, A., Cepeda, F., Escudero, F., Fuentes, A., Gallen, L., Riber, E., and Yon, J. “Coupling Macroscale and Nanoscale Simulations of Soot Produced in a Diffusion Flame: Towards a More Realistic Simulation of their Morphologies”. Réunion plénière du GDR Suie. Lyon. November 2021. [8] Morán, J., “Collision kernels of suspended particles from the Langevin equation: Theoretical modeling and Numerical simulations”. XXIII Chilean Symposium in Physics, November 2022. Valparaiso, Chile. [9] Morán, J., Li, L., Ouyang, H., Qiao, Y., Olson, B.A., Hogan Jr, Christopher J., “The bidimensional particle size and charge distribution of nano/microparticles in an electrostatic precipitator”. Congrès Français sur les Aérosols – CFA. March 2023, Paris, France. |
Seminars (6) | [1] Morán, J. “Soot aggregates: formation dynamics and morphology”. Seminar (invited) for the Energy and Particle Technology Laboratory. June 2021. Ottawa, Canada (online). [2] Yon, J., and Morán, J.“Simulation de la formation des particules de suie : pour une meilleure caractérisation de ces particules” at the 6th seminar (invited) of the Calisto group from INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France. [3] Morán, J. “Flame-made nanoparticles: formation dynamics and morphology”. REU PD Trainee Research Spotlight 1 – University of Minnesota. June 22, 2022. [4] Morán, J., and Hogan, C., “Aerosol Technology: Electrostatic particle filtration to improve air quality”. Seminar (invited) for the Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Federico Santa Marı́a, November 2022. Valparaiso, Chile. [5] Wang, L., Morán, J., Yang, M., Olson, B. A., Hogan, C., and Torremorell, M., “Multidisciplinary research in engineering and medicine for sustainability and environment: Indoor aerosol virus transmission”. Seminar (invited) for Universidad de Magallanes, August 2023. Magallanes, Chile (online). [6] Morán, J., Olson, B. A., and Hogan, C., “Measuring the size and charges of aerosol particles from an electrostatic precipitator”. Seminar (invited) for high school physics teachers from Minnesota participating in a STEM program. University of Minnesota, August 2023. Minneapolis, USA. |
Posters (8) | [1] Morán, J., Yon, J., Poux, A., Liu F., & Fuentes, A. “Improving Monte Carlo simulations for an accurate modeling of nanoparticles coagulation.” European Aerosol Conference. Gothenburg. August 2019. [2] Morán, J., Henry, C., Poux, A., and Yon, J. “Impact of the maturation process on soot particle aggregation kinetics and morphology”. European Aerosol Conference – EAC 2021. 30 August – 3 September 2021, Birmingham, United Kingdom (online). [3] Morán, J., Poux, A., Liu, F., Escudero, F., Fuentes, A., and Yon, J. “Effects of overlapping in the evaluation of volume and surface area of complex soot aggregates in flames”. 24th ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles. June 2021. Zurich, Switzerland (online). [4] Morán, J., Henry, C., Yon, J., and Kholghy, R., “Van der Waals interaction potentials between fractal-like agglomerates of nanoparticles.” Congrès Français sur les Aérosols- CFA. January 2022. Paris, France. [5] Morán, J., Poux, A., Cepeda, F., Escudero, F., Fuentes, F., Gallen, L., Riber, E., Yon, J. “Coupling macroscale and nanoscale simulations of soot formation in a diffusion flame.” Congrès Français sur les Aérosols- CFA. January 2022. Paris, France. [6] Morán, J., Henry, C., Yon, J., and Kholghy, R., “Approximating the van der Waals interaction potentials between agglomerates and their coagulation enhancement.” International Aerosol Conference. September 2022. Athens, Greece (Online). [7] Morán, J., and Kholghy, R., “Theoretical Derivation of Particle Collision Kernels from a First-Time-Passage Approach in the Diffusive Regime”. AAAR Annual Conference, October 2023, Portland, OR, USA. [8] Morán, J., Henry, C., Yon, J., and Kholghy, R., “Approximating the van der Waals Interaction Potentials between Agglomerates of Nanoparticles”. AAAR Annual Conference, October 2023, Portland, OR, USA. |