Undergraduate courses
The following undergraduate courses are being taught during 2025 winter term:
- MCG 2101: Introduction to design of mechanical systems
- MCG 2501: Introduction à la conception de systèmes mécaniques
Master and PhD training
As University of Ottawa student you can take courses at Carleton University through the University of Ottawa-Carleton University exchange program. We are closely collaborating with the EPTL laboratory (Prof. Reza Kholghy) from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering to make complementary courses for senior undergraduate students and especially for MEng, MSc and PhD students from both universities focused on flame-particle synthesis, aerosol science, and particle technology.
Other tutorials and lectures
Tutorial Single DMA measurement Inversion: In this tutorial we explain how to conduct the inversion of DMA-Scan measurements to obtain aerosol particle size distributions. In particular, we show how to take the DMA transfer function, penetration efficiency, and charge fraction into account to conduct the deconvolution process including a Tikhonov regularization to obtain particle sizes when using the experimental setup shown below. The pdf file of this tutorial can be downloaded from here.

Lecture about Brownian Dynamics (ME-8111: Multiphase System Analysis, University of Minnesota): We particularly encourage students to carefully read the appendix section of this lecture where we explain in detail how the Langevin equation is solved analytically to obtain a description of the mean squared displacement and velocity of a Brownian particle. In this Appendix, the macroscopic description of Brownian motion is also derived from a simple stochastic model based on Binomial distributions. The lecture is available here: